Sunday, January 25, 2009

God sold it!

If you are my friend on any one of my social networking sights (Myspace, Facebook, Twitter), then you already figured out that we sold our house yesterday. And by we, I mean ONLY God. I know you probably thought we were crazy to list a house in this depressed housing market, but as someone told me recently, there is no lack in God's economy. To be quite honest, I was starting to get a little nervous myself, although it had only been on the market for 2 months. We have been building another house, but really needed to sell our house before closing on the new one. We determined early on that God had directed us to build the new one, so we were trusting Him to sell the old one. The only thing was, it was in His perfect timing, not mine. My ever-so-faithfilled husband kept telling me, "don't worry, the other house isn't ready yet". "But, we are only a few weeks away," I would impatiently respond, all the while trying to figure out my plan B. In true God fashion, He was still working His plan A (or G) as we will now call it.

All that to say, God is so good. I just wanted to acknowledge Him and His faithfulness to me ALL the time. It still isn't about what He's done, but about who He is. And He is my Savior, my Deliverer, my Hope, my Redeemer, my Strength, my Strong Tower, and today my Resting Place. I don't know where I would be without Him. husband was right, once again, and because he would never say it to me himself, I'll say it for him. "I told you so!"

So now comes the moving process. We need to be out of our house by February 5th, and our builder says they will be done with our new house by the 1st. Sounds like perfect timing to me! I will try to get some new pics up as things are finished, sorry I've been a slacker lately.

Monday, January 12, 2009


I thought i had better post something before my blogger friends think that I had fallen off the face of the earth. The truth is, I really have had no motivation to blog anything. There's not much to update on the house, I'm waiting for Pat to finish installing the cabinets before I post anymore pics. We are still probably 3-4 weeks away from completion. Of course, we still have the issue of selling our old house. We do believe that we were directed of God to build the new one, so we're just trusting that He has a plan for us to sell the other one in His timing. It's getting down to the wire, which makes me start to worry. I hate to worry, it's just another word for "I've got to have control of this situaion, not God." I have had victory over it in the past, and I'm gonna claim victory now too!

This weekend at church, Darryl preached a very convicting message on taking responsibility for your own spiritual growth. We should never be satisfied with where we are, and I certainly am not. It seems like I overcome one battle, just to struggle with another. All I know is that I want to grow closer to God than I've ever been before, and I need to start getting rid of all my excuses. Speaking of church, I am so thankful for the Journey Church and to God for leading us there. We always hear an awesome message from God, see people's lives changed, experience awesome worship music, and are constantly challenged to be the hands & feet of Jesus. Thank you Lord for allowing us to be a part of such a move of God in our community.

As I start my week, my prayer is that God would use me to make a difference in someone's life, that He would challenge me to grow in my walk, and that I would trust Him COMPLETELY with what are probably really small issues in the grand scheme of my life.