Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mental inventory

The funniest thing happened this morning. Colton had has wisdom teeth out yesterday so he's been down for the last day. He decided to watch a movie this morning but realized that his movies had not been organized since we moved. Being the movie fan that he is, his movies (all 300 or so) are always in alphabetical order. After he sorted them, he notified me that he was missing 2 movies, who notices 2 movies???? Much to his delight, I realized that I had the 2 movies he was missing in my room. Oh the relief he had! I began thinking how funny it was that he knew he was missing 2 movies out of 300.

Then I started thinking about another situation that happened recently with Jordyn. For those of you who already know Jordyn, you know she tends to be a little (or a lot) OCD about certain things. Namely the location/inventory of her personal items. To say that she was a little stressed out about the whole packing/moving process would be an understatement. In order to have control over her things she decided to pack and load ALL of her worldly posessions into her truck and cart them around for 2 days, no kidding. She felt that if she did this she would know where her stuff was at all times. It worked for her.

The funniest thing to me is that the above mentioned situations make perfect sense to me. The apples didn't fall far from the tree on this one. I know that I have a mental inventory in my head of ALL items in my house. I also know if something comes in that doesn't belong here. Last week I was doing the laundry and I noticed a pair of girls socks and another undergarment that didn't belong to anyone in our house. After investigating I was able to identify the owner of the previously mentioned garments. Then this morning when I was on a dirty clothes search in her room I came across a very cute vest that I had never seen before, low and behold it was brand new. I'm telling you, it was not in my mental inventory, yet.

Who knew that OCD was hereditary?


Michelle said...

Well, I *hope* the undergarmetn belong to one of the girls' friends!! Yeah, two movies!? Rick wants to know what they were! LOL

Lisa Mooney said...

National Treasure 2 & "21", and Colton informed me later that he has around 350 movies.