Monday, June 22, 2009

Picture of the Week, my dad.

This picture was taken last week when my dad & sister were both at my house. I can't remember the last time we were together before this. It was such a blessing to me.

Thank you dad for all your love & support, you have ALWAYS been there for me, through the good & bad times. I learned so much about unconditional love, generosity, and comittment from you. One day could never be enough to honor you and tell you how much I appreciate you.

Happy Father's Day, I love you.

Happy Father's Day

I'm a day late, but I still wanted to honor my awesome husband on this day. When Kaley was a baby I came up with a saying that I think describes him pretty well. He was always the "E" ticket ride dad. Some of you might remember when you went to Disneyworld and had to buy and use tickets to go on rides. Of course, the fewest tickets you received in the book were "E" tickets, and unfortunately, the best rides required the coveted "E" tickets. Well, that's my hubby. He was always the best ride. It used to make me mad sometimes, bacause I was the mom, and had to do all the not-so-fun stuff while he got to have all the fun. That's probably still the way it is today, ha. But, I'm so thankful that he always took the time to be that dad. He is the MOST unselfish person I know and would do ANYTHING for his family. He has worked hard to provide for us, which sometimes meant he had to miss out, but I assure you, our children have never felt like they ever missed out. He always gives them his undivided attention and is their biggest fan. Now we have the privilege of parenting adults, certainly makes all those hard years worth it.

Patrick, thank you so much for the love, laughs, tears, and for being such a Godly example to our children.

Happy Father's Day, I love you.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Cruise photo of the Week

For Jordyn's graduation, we went on a family cruise to the Bahamas. We had THE best time, lots of fun, sun, and laughs. I love each person in this pic so much and am so thankful to have them. Can't wait till the next one, Oasis here we come!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

My awesome family, Mother's Day night.

My beautiful girls singing and playing at the Mothers Day Tea.

"The decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever
to have your heart go walking around outside your body."

This has been my favorite quote for quite some time. It really puts into words how I feel about my children. I know I may be a little biased, but I think I have the most awesome, talented, beautiful, smart, funny, kind, faith-filled, loving children on the earth. Don't get me wrong, they all have their moments of frustration, but those moments are few and far between. I had an unbelievable "mom" moment this weekend. We had a Mother's Day Tea this past Saturday at church and I had the privilege of watching both my daughters on the stage singing and playing for me (not for me alone, but it might as well have been). To say that I was a proud mama would be the understatement of the year. Not because they are so talented, or beautiful (which of course they are), but because they were using their talents and gifts to serve God. They are adult woment and they chose to do it on their own. There is no bigger blessing in life than that! What a gift they gave me that day. And for the record, they all gave me wonderful gifts on Mother's Day as well. I will think of them as I relax and get that massage, and carry around my "Life is Good" tote, thanks to Colton, Dave and my wonderful husband Patrick as well.
I love you all very much, and thank God for you everyday.

Sooo happy

Just thought I'd share this awesome pic and a little about the couple in it. This is my precious Jordyn and her prince, otherwise know as Dave Longobardo. She has waited a long time to find him, and we are so thankful that she did. Actually, we believe that God brought him at just the perfect time. She has never been so happy, and we are praising God for it. We pray that their love will continue to grow as they seek God's will for their future. I love you both very much.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Grown Up

Yesterday marked a milestone in our family. We moved our oldest daugter Kaley out of our house and into a house with friends in Jacksonville. She only decided to do it about a week ago so I didn't have much time to actually think about it. Then as she was packing on Thursday she would occasionally ask me if I was going to cry or be upset. I said no, because at that time I wasn't. She was actually planning to move out 6 months ago or so, but decided not to do it at that time. That's when I had started thinking about the possiblity and preparing myself for her to leave. When it came right down to it, I was so excited for her to be taking this next step in her life that I never took the time to get upset about the possibility of her actually leaving. I have said before that I am just so proud of the young woman that she has become and that this is just the next natural step for her.

So fast forward to yesterday. After we moved her in we went out to get some lunch with her, then of course we had to pull away. I was even ok then, until Pat said "how did this happen so fast?" That was it, that's all it took, then it was real, my first baby was gone, and the tears came like a flood. And Pat was right, how did this happen so fast, I can't believe 21 years has passed. Where has it gone? I am so thankful for every day we had to teach, and nurture, and love, and grow together. She is an awesome person and is going to do great on her own. Thankfully, she's only 25 minutes away and we do go to the same church so I'm sure the time between our visits won't be long, especially as she runs short on food and I'm cooking at home.

"Thank you God for children who love you and love me, and who by your grace are unbelievably awesome, faithful, Godly, responsible young adults. You gave them to me on loan and I have given them back to you for you to use for your Kingdom." Amen

Sunday, April 12, 2009

What a difference a year makes!

Jordyn sent out a Twitter the other day saying that she couldn't have imagined a year ago where she would be today. It got me thinking too. I am such a planner so of course I am usually looking ahead and trying to figure out where we're going and what we'll be doing at any given time. You'de think I would have learned by now that God has a plan for my life, and it's not always the same as mine (thankfully). His plan is always so much better. In addition to that, I have a husband who listens to God and is usually very obedient to what He has to say. Sometimes, I take a little longer to convince, which I am not the least bit proud of. All that to say, because of Pat's obedience, we are in such an unbelievable place in our lives.

God led us to the most AMAZING church, the Journey in Fernandina Beach, FL. We have been going for about 8 months and have had the opportunity to serve with some of the most faithful, humble, God-seeking people I have ever met. God has given our pastor, Darryl, a vision for reaching people in our community, and because of his obedience, God is "adding to the Church daily", just as the scripture says. We have been called to be the hands and feet of Jesus, it's just not about us and our comfort anymore. I was able to see this in action this Easter weekend. We knew that God was going to do something BIG, and in true God fashion, He delivered. Darryl preached an awesome message entitled "Final Destination" and now countless many know where there's is, in heaven. I am so thankful to have been apart of such an awesome move of God this weekend. I can't wait to see what's next!

Another thing I couldn't have seen a year ago, is us living in this beautiful house that God allowed us to build. We (and most of our friends) really thought we had lost our minds trying to sell a house in a really bad housing market. Well, when God is directing it, it's not a problem. He sold our old house, and gave us this new one. He's so good.

Lest you think it's all a bed of roses, it's also been a year of uncertainty for us regarding Pat's business. As a kitchen & bath designer in a bad housing market, it gets a little unnerving at times. But, we know that God is in control of it all, and He will provide. We are careful to give him ALL the glory for every job we get. We know that our faith is being tested, and that it is in these times that we grow in that faith. So, we are thankful for His provision and His leading.

In true mom fashion, I couldn't end without mentioning my children. Kaley is in a much different place than a year ago, she is now in college full-time pursuing a teaching degree, and also serving at church as a teacher for our Journey kids group. She's really awesome with the kids! Jordyn has homeschooled this past year and is about to graduate. She is playing and singing in our praise band at church and for the youth group. God has given her the greatest group of friends there, and I know she is so thankful for them. Probably the biggest change for her is the new guy in her life. God has brought her the most unbelievably awesome, Godly young man, Dave Longobardo. I know it was unexpected for both of them, but not for God, He knew. We are all very thankful for Dave and what he brings to her life. Last, but not least, there's Colton. We hardly even recognize Colton from a year ago, in a good way. To say he has come out of his shell would be an understatement. He is super involved in the youth group leadership at church, and is also on the lighting team for our weekend services. I think he would rather be at church than just about anywhere else, except maybe Haley's house, ha. That would be Haley Hall, his new girlfriend, she is sweet, and adorable, and they are too cute together. We are thankful for Haley as well.

So, as you can see, much has changed for us in a year, and we look forward to seeing what God has for us in the next year, who knows?! For now, we will be content where He has us, and thank Him for His faithfulness and love in an uncertain world.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Happy 21st Birthday Kaley, here are a few of my favorite things.....about her

1. She wears flip flops 365 days a year, no matter the temperature
2. Koozie collection
3. She calls me Schmom
4. Generous
5. She loves to dance
6. Big purses
7. She loves, loves, loves summer & the beach
8. Awesome friend
9. Sweatpants!
10. She cries with me watching Extreme Home makeover
11. We're Parrotheads together
12. She is positive she was supposed to be an only child
13. She loves a good steak....with ketchup
14. She loves kids, and will be an awesome teacher
15. She loves Jesus
16. Always willing to try new things
17. It's never too early or late in the day for chocolate
18. Funny!
19. Never needs an excuse to go shopping
20. There's nothing she wouldn't do for her family
21. 21 years ago today, God blessed me with the most wonderful baby girl

I used to think I would dread my children growing up, but that all changed as it started happening. Now, I am so thankful for the awesome adults they have become. That doesn't mean I don't feel a little old today, but the pride I feel knowing that Kaley is such a wonderful young woman of God far outweighs the dread. As I get small glimpses into who she will be in the future, I smile and continue to thank God for all He has done in her life. I love you today and everyday, Happy Birthday to my first baby.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mental inventory

The funniest thing happened this morning. Colton had has wisdom teeth out yesterday so he's been down for the last day. He decided to watch a movie this morning but realized that his movies had not been organized since we moved. Being the movie fan that he is, his movies (all 300 or so) are always in alphabetical order. After he sorted them, he notified me that he was missing 2 movies, who notices 2 movies???? Much to his delight, I realized that I had the 2 movies he was missing in my room. Oh the relief he had! I began thinking how funny it was that he knew he was missing 2 movies out of 300.

Then I started thinking about another situation that happened recently with Jordyn. For those of you who already know Jordyn, you know she tends to be a little (or a lot) OCD about certain things. Namely the location/inventory of her personal items. To say that she was a little stressed out about the whole packing/moving process would be an understatement. In order to have control over her things she decided to pack and load ALL of her worldly posessions into her truck and cart them around for 2 days, no kidding. She felt that if she did this she would know where her stuff was at all times. It worked for her.

The funniest thing to me is that the above mentioned situations make perfect sense to me. The apples didn't fall far from the tree on this one. I know that I have a mental inventory in my head of ALL items in my house. I also know if something comes in that doesn't belong here. Last week I was doing the laundry and I noticed a pair of girls socks and another undergarment that didn't belong to anyone in our house. After investigating I was able to identify the owner of the previously mentioned garments. Then this morning when I was on a dirty clothes search in her room I came across a very cute vest that I had never seen before, low and behold it was brand new. I'm telling you, it was not in my mental inventory, yet.

Who knew that OCD was hereditary?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

We moved in!

We still need to stain the front door & put shutters up

Coming in the front door

My babies

Having a kitchen designer for a husband has it's perks.

Great room, with a view

Bonus room, music room

View from my back door
It is still barely real to us that God has blessed us in such a mighty way with our new home. We are so excited and thankful to be here and can't wait to see what opportunities He gives us to use it for His glory.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


One my my favorite things is having my kids home for dinner, even if this is what it looks like. I just had to take a picture. I love them, cell phones and all.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

God sold it!

If you are my friend on any one of my social networking sights (Myspace, Facebook, Twitter), then you already figured out that we sold our house yesterday. And by we, I mean ONLY God. I know you probably thought we were crazy to list a house in this depressed housing market, but as someone told me recently, there is no lack in God's economy. To be quite honest, I was starting to get a little nervous myself, although it had only been on the market for 2 months. We have been building another house, but really needed to sell our house before closing on the new one. We determined early on that God had directed us to build the new one, so we were trusting Him to sell the old one. The only thing was, it was in His perfect timing, not mine. My ever-so-faithfilled husband kept telling me, "don't worry, the other house isn't ready yet". "But, we are only a few weeks away," I would impatiently respond, all the while trying to figure out my plan B. In true God fashion, He was still working His plan A (or G) as we will now call it.

All that to say, God is so good. I just wanted to acknowledge Him and His faithfulness to me ALL the time. It still isn't about what He's done, but about who He is. And He is my Savior, my Deliverer, my Hope, my Redeemer, my Strength, my Strong Tower, and today my Resting Place. I don't know where I would be without Him. husband was right, once again, and because he would never say it to me himself, I'll say it for him. "I told you so!"

So now comes the moving process. We need to be out of our house by February 5th, and our builder says they will be done with our new house by the 1st. Sounds like perfect timing to me! I will try to get some new pics up as things are finished, sorry I've been a slacker lately.

Monday, January 12, 2009


I thought i had better post something before my blogger friends think that I had fallen off the face of the earth. The truth is, I really have had no motivation to blog anything. There's not much to update on the house, I'm waiting for Pat to finish installing the cabinets before I post anymore pics. We are still probably 3-4 weeks away from completion. Of course, we still have the issue of selling our old house. We do believe that we were directed of God to build the new one, so we're just trusting that He has a plan for us to sell the other one in His timing. It's getting down to the wire, which makes me start to worry. I hate to worry, it's just another word for "I've got to have control of this situaion, not God." I have had victory over it in the past, and I'm gonna claim victory now too!

This weekend at church, Darryl preached a very convicting message on taking responsibility for your own spiritual growth. We should never be satisfied with where we are, and I certainly am not. It seems like I overcome one battle, just to struggle with another. All I know is that I want to grow closer to God than I've ever been before, and I need to start getting rid of all my excuses. Speaking of church, I am so thankful for the Journey Church and to God for leading us there. We always hear an awesome message from God, see people's lives changed, experience awesome worship music, and are constantly challenged to be the hands & feet of Jesus. Thank you Lord for allowing us to be a part of such a move of God in our community.

As I start my week, my prayer is that God would use me to make a difference in someone's life, that He would challenge me to grow in my walk, and that I would trust Him COMPLETELY with what are probably really small issues in the grand scheme of my life.