Friday, October 24, 2008

Happy 22nd Anniversary

October 25, 1986

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Our dusty rose invitation, what can I say, it was the 80's.

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"Do not marry the person you can just live with, marry the person you can't live without."

22 years ago I married the most wonderful man in the world. We learned a long time ago that a successful marriage was not going to exist because of a lack of problems, but in how we worked through the problems. Neither of us is perfect, just perfect for each other. We can't take any credit, however, but give all the glory and honour to God. He is the center of our marriage and our lives. He has shown us much grace and we try to exhibit that same grace to each other every day.

22 things I love about my husband:

  • Godly - he walks out his faith before me every day
  • Generous - with his time and his money
  • Faithful - I know he only has eyes for me
  • Selfless - he always, always, always puts my needs before his own
  • Funny - but only when I'm not mad at him, of course
  • Handsome - more today than ever, especially with those sexy highlights
  • Forgiving - this one has been tested, a lot, trust me
  • Great Dad - he's the "E" ticket ride, just ask our kids
  • Hard Worker - so that he can always provide for the needs of our family
  • Sensitive - he gets it when i cry
  • Loud Breather - ask Kate Gosselin, she feels my pain
  • Loving - even when I don't deserve it
  • Compassionate - he truly "gets" me and then helps me
  • Bad Driver - but great parallel parker
  • Understanding - even when he doesn't really understand
  • Patient - yes, this one has been tested a time or too as well
  • Likes to bug me - he's super good at this one
  • Kind - always diffuses a tense situation
  • Good apologizer - even if he doesn't think he was wrong
  • Great personal hygiene - lots of showers, deodorant and toothpaste go a long way, ha
  • Positive thinker - his glass is always half-full
  • Adores me - only because he is able to look at me through God's eyes

Thank you Pat-rick for the last 22 years, I love you. And yes, it is easier for me to love you than for you to love me, ha, I finally admit it. Thank you God for this gift that I will never deserve and for your constant love and patience.


Jordyn Mooney said...

this is a very nice blog mom, glad you got the pictures to post ;) and i love that you wrote 22 different things about dad, its very creative. you know that i can only pray and hope for a husband that will be all of those things (including wierd to be able to match my wierdness)

love you, happy anniversary

Mrs. Hatten said...

Happy Anniversary! Congratulations on 22 years of happiness! What a nice tribute to your true love and what a testimony to keep on keeping on when things aren't perfect all of the time. I hope you all celebrate the day and continue to cherish one another as you do now. :-)

mfleeman said...

Oh, how sweet, I had to get the tissues out!! You two are a great couple, we are blessed to have you as friends. Loved the picture, Lisa, I think you have changed the most (for the better)Patrick looks a little more distinguished (especially with this blonde highlights!) Happy Anniversary.

Nonsequitur said...

I love you guys and Happy 22nd anniversary !! I loved your 22 things you loved about your husband.

Love (Misti)